1. Integrations

Humanforce Integration Setup Guide

The Allara-Humanforce integration requires an API key and an API secret to function correctly. This article outlines the steps that an Administrator in the Humanforce HR System must perform to generate, configure and provide the necessary API key and API secret we require.

Step 1 – Setup an API Access Level

Create an API access level

The access levels can be set up in either Humanforce Web or the Back Office, with the Back Office having the ability to copy permissions from an existing level so you do not have to start from scratch.

If using Back Office, go to Setup > Access Levels and click Add to create your new level. Give your level a clear name, "Allara LMS API Access."

Please Note: For a two-way integration involving the assignment of qualifications to employees in Humanforce based on training completed in the LMS, we require the edit permission on qualifications and employees. This only applies to cloud-based versions of Humanforce, as on-premises versions of Humanforce do not support pushing qualifications back.


Step 1.1 - General Tab

Under the general tab, please set the Auth Level to 0 and name the access level ‘Allara API Access’.


Step 1.2 - Permissions Tab

The integration requires the following permissions are checked from the ‘Permissions’ tab.

For the ‘REST API’ node, please check:

    • Allow API access

For the ‘Data Explorer’ node, please check:

    • View Employees

For the ‘General node, please check:

    • Visibility of all assigned departments (vs Default only)
      • Visibility of all departments
    • Visibility of all assigned locations
      • Visibility of ALL locations in system

For the ‘Maintenance Screens’ node, please check the following options:

    • Departments (View Only)
    • Employees Screen
      • Allow editing
      • View employees at the same authorisation level
      • View employees above authorisation level under the option above
    • Employment Situation (View Only)
    • Employment Types (View Only)
    • Locations (View Only)
    • Qualification Types (View Only)
    • Roles (View Only)


Step 1.3 - Field Permissions Tab

The integration requires that the following field permissions are checked from the ‘field permissions’ tab.

For ‘Employee Fields, please check the following options:

    • Email
    • Email 2
    • Employee Title
    • Employment Situation

For ‘Employment Detailsunder ‘Employee Fields, please check the following options:

    • Default Area
    • Default Department
    • Default Location
    • Default Role
    • Employment Type
    • Job Title
    • Start Date
    • Termination Date

For ‘Location Department Roles, please check the following options:          

    • Department Assignment
    • Location Assignment
    • Role Assignment

For ‘Other Info, please check the following options:           

    • Qualifications
    • Edit Qualifications underneath the Qualifications option

Step 2 – Setup an API User

In Management > Employee Management, create a new user called ‘AllaraAPIUser’. The ‘Personal Details’ section for this user can be filled in with anything that makes sense to you, for your records. An example from the Humanforce documentation is illustrated below.

In the images below, ‘VENDOR’ would be ‘ALLARA’.


In the Employment section, put the new user on the API Access level that you created earlier. Also make sure Include in payroll export is not ticked. 


Click Apply to create the profile.


Step 3 – Generating the REST API Keys

Navigate to the Admin page.

In the Security Configuration section, click API Key Management.


Click Add new record.


Set the Name of the key to once again indicate the vendor or party using it. We also recommend using the Comments to provide details on what areas can be accessed with this API key. Set the Linked user to the user you just created.


Copy the API Key and Secret and send this to Allara Global. Save when finished.