How do I enrol users in a learning plan?

You can enroll users in a learning plan from the Learning Plans page.

To enrol learners, click the plus button in the top right corner and select the Enroll users option.  Select them from the Enroll users panel that opens as individual users, branches or groups. When enrolling users from branches, note that if your organisational chart has more than 1,000 branches, you will find a text input field for quicker selection instead of a list.

Click Next and set whether you need to set an enrollment validity period by selecting the option Enable enrollment validity period and defining a time frame. If you do not wish to set an enrollment validity period, you can skip this step.

📌 Important: If you set an enrollment validity period for the learning plan, learners will be able to access the learning plan for a limited time. Once the end date is reached, the learner's enrollment expires, resulting in the inability to access the learning plan any further. In addition, the same enrollment validity period will apply to all of the courses included in the plan. If a course is part of multiple learning plans and a user's enrollment expires in one plan, they will lose access to the course only in that plan but can still access it in other plans with different enrollment periods.

Click Confirm to finalise the enrollments.

Note: When you enrol users in a learning plan, you automatically enrol them in all of the courses composing the learning plan.